I’m using ezdrummer with reaper, and for a while I’ve been wondering on how to do myself a electronic drumkit. I’ve tested controlling ezd with my qwerty keyboard, a gamepad with reaper joystick midi, and same gamepad through fergo joystickMidi.
I only wanted to make 2 things work:
-first of all would be controlling the intensity of the hit through an axis in my joystick. with the reaper built in virtual keyboard, I can click the keys, if i press in the top of the key, the intensity will be really dim, like a light hit, and if i press key on bottom, I get a strong hit. I didn’t manage to get any of my axis working like that.
-second thing, is to control my hi-hat height. I do get some input from one axis on my joystick that controls how opened the hi-hat is. but it works through velocity. I have to hit a button and move the axis at certain speed, at the same time, each time! I could craft some sort of structure that works like a midi keyboard and gives me feedback depending how hard i hit a key, that would be fine for my first issue (if I ever get that axis to work) but not for a hi-hat. what defines how open it is, isn’t how hard i hit it. so what I wanted is a way that an axis would control how opened hi hat is based on axis position, and not it’s velocity, so I could hold the axis on certain place, and just hit a button (this way I could build some sort of expression pedal with a potentiometer to control hi hat height). is it possible to achieve at all?
thanks in advance!