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any tips on how to get this groove?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Tim Seneca

    Try Toontrack’s “Ballads” midi pack. I do have it so I can speak from experience. Check out the samples in this link…..

    Tim SD2, NY2, NY3, Evil Drums, Music City, Metal Foundry, C&V, Rock Warehouse, Metal Machinery EZD2, Metal Machine, Metalheads, Pop!, Indie Folk, # 1 Hits, Claustrophobic, Electronic, Rock Solid, The Classic, Metal!, Nashvile, The Blues, DFH, EZMix, EZKeys

    Michael Yates

    I checked it out, got it I got it and found what I wanted.
    Thanks for your heal tseneca! 😉

    Tim Seneca

    Awesome! Glad I could help.

    Tim SD2, NY2, NY3, Evil Drums, Music City, Metal Foundry, C&V, Rock Warehouse, Metal Machinery EZD2, Metal Machine, Metalheads, Pop!, Indie Folk, # 1 Hits, Claustrophobic, Electronic, Rock Solid, The Classic, Metal!, Nashvile, The Blues, DFH, EZMix, EZKeys

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