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Any Suggestions – Roland TD-10 and EZ Drummer

E-drum Workshop
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  • Mike Pierre

    You can’t change the midi note numbers in EZ Drummer, so they match the numbers in TD10, unless you load EZ Drummer in the Superior 2.0 software.
    Many of the TD10’s note numbers should match already. For the ones that do not match, you need to change the note numbers on the TD10 itself.
    I don’t remember how to do that on the TD10, but it could very well be the same way as the TD20

    Press, INST – F3 (control) – F5 (midi)

    Good luck


    Mac Mini - Pro Tools 8.0 - Roland TD 20/TDW - ToonTrack


    Isn’t very robust is a bit of a over statement …There is no midi mapping And there’s a very good chance you will not have a functioning hi hat as well…..spending all most 200$ don’t get you what it use to……sigh …And what the guy above is trying to say is go blow 150$more so you can midi map……My advice is to bring it back to the store and try and get your money back…then get one of the other 3-4 drumming bundles that are out there that has things like midi mapping and a hi hat………just my 2c


    My advice is to bring it back to the store and try and get your money back…then get one of the other 3-4 drumming bundles that are out there that has things like midi mapping and a hi hat………just my 2c

    those would be ???


    ORIGINAL: psax42

    My advice is to bring it back to the store and try and get your money back…then get one of the other 3-4 drumming bundles that are out there that has things like midi mapping and a hi hat………just my 2c

    those would be ???

    Superior Drummer 2.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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