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Another E-drum Kit advice/question

E-drum Workshop
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  • John

    Hi Peter,

    I went from a TD-12 kit to a Hart Pro 5.3 kit.
    I really love the feel compared to the TD-12 kit but it is a bit more setting up than with just using the TD-12 kit.
    I guess the Studio Master is a bit more similar to the TD-12 kit except for the Snare and Kick.
    Positional sensing is a bit more tricky to tweak on the Hart snare IMO.

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Peter McCarthy

    Hi John,

    I’ve noticed that the cymbals and toms IIRC too,…have more zones than the Hart setup.

    So, having done them both. If you had to do it again,…what would you do?

    thanks again for the input.


    The Roland Ride is 3-way but Hart isn’t. Toms should be head and rim on both brands. Or did you think of something in particular?
    When I bought my Hart Pro kit, I actually saved the Ride to get Ride/Bell/Bow articulations.
    I haven’t tried the Studio Master series so perhaps I’m not the right one to ask.

    What I can say is that the overall feeling playing my Hart Pro kit is much, much more robust; the TD-12 kit feels a bit more like toy drums in comparison and I really like that the ECymbal II Hihat, Crash and Ride are thick metal pieces. Not rubber discs.
    I had a lot of trouble getting the VH-11 hihat to play well with my Toontrack stuff but since S2.2 that wouldn’t be a problem.

    If you just want to plug in and play with the least amount of tweaking and setting up, I guess the TD-12 kit right.
    Again, I haven’t played the Studio Master series but the Hart Pro kit feels really great. So say my drummer buddies playing on it.
    Yeah, all this actually comes from a guy who’s not really a drummer


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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