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Align drum track with existing song (SD3)

E-drum Workshop
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  • Scott Eshleman

    Can you please describe the drum track that you’re attempting to replace?
    Is it a Logic Drummer track? or, a MIDI track created previously? a live drum track?
    (If it is a Logic Drummer track, Logic provides a means to convert the Drummer ‘sequences’ into MIDI.)

    Maybe those questions are irrelevant and you’re asking something different…

    Are you using SuperiorDrummer3 in ‘Standalone mode’ or as an insert within Logic?
    If as an insert within Logic, please make sure that [Follows Host] is enabled,
    and that you are creating your MIDI on Superior3’s Song Track
    in Bar Numbers corresponding to those in Logic.

    Beyond that, I think more details may be necessary…

    Dion Todd

    Thank you. I am using SD3 as a plugin inside of Logic X. The drum tracks are live .wav files. I have follow host enabled, but they are out of sync. I am new to SD3 and perhaps I am going about it wrong. This song was recorded live to a click track in Logic. When I try to line up a midi track in SD3, it snaps to a grid and the song is slightly offset from that grid. Hope this helps clarify it…

    @DNSinSC said:
    Thank you. I am using SD3 as a plugin inside of Logic X. The drum tracks are live .wav files. I have follow host enabled, but they are out of sync. I am new to SD3 and perhaps I am going about it wrong. This song was recorded live to a click track in Logic. When I try to line up a midi track in SD3, it snaps to a grid and the song is slightly offset from that grid. Hope this helps clarify it…  

    You could try to select all instruments and then use the Offset slider in the Envelope and Offset property box in the Drums tab.
    You could zoom in as much as possible on the song track to make the MIDI blocks snap to a 1/32 note grid.
    In worst case you could disable Snap in the Grid Editor, select all notes and move them to the exact time.

    Andreas Walfridsson - Toontrack
    UX Designer

    Dion Todd

    Zoom was the answer. Thank you!

    Scott Eshleman

    @DNSinSC said:
    Thank you. I am using SD3 as a plugin inside of Logic X.
    The drum tracks are live .wav files. I have follow host enabled, but they are out of sync.
    I am new to SD3 and perhaps I am going about it wrong.
    This song was recorded live to a click track in Logic.
    When I try to line up a midi track in SD3, it snaps to a grid and the song is slightly offset from that grid. Hope this helps clarify it…  

    You stated that “the song is slightly offset from that grid”, but that “This song was recorded live to a click track in Logic.”
    Maybe you could ‘correct’ the grid with a Tempo Map that follows the recorded drum track so that SD3 can follow it.

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