Hi everyone,
I’m new here even if I’ve been sneaking as a guest for a while…
I like drums (of course) and I like customizing and this forum is always a good place for finding answers.
So, here my question:
I own an Alesis pro kit plugged in a Trigger IO.
I customized all the pads with this method
Shortly it consists in reorganizing the layers inside the pad, replacing the head with a mesh head and converting single zone pads into dual.
Following the path was relatively easy, but after trying this I still have a small problem.
In this method, you desolder and discard the resistors found on the female jack, I’ve done this even for the snare dual zone pad. The fact is that now, I have some X-talk issues on some pads and the snare pad is far too sensitive. I’ve tried to tweak the settings on the trigger IO but the problem is still unsolved.
So, here it is, I hope that this was clear as english is not my language (I’m french).
Thanks by advance!