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A ‘Sonic Boom’ type sound?

Studio Corner
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  • Juicy

    Long Reverb usually but this is just a well recorded Floor tom with proper resonance in its decay.
    If a mic is put in the right place above a Floor Tom not just close miic you will get the deep bloom.
    They may have compressed the tom and may have added extra low eq in just the right place like 40 -80 Hz area.


    Thanks Juicy!

    Whatever they have done, it sounds like Gold to my eardrum!
    I cant get enough to those booming floor toms.

    My Roland Td-6v comes from the factory with a (its number 16) kit that almost has that booming quality to it on the floor toms. By increasing the volume on that floor tom I can get a pretty decent BOOM effect out of it, but since im now playing the SD2.3 software, Ive kinda lost the ability to play with the Roland Td-6v internal sounds.


    Try using a compressor on the tom like Juicy recommends, or do the same thing with the ambient mics and listen.


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Thanks a lot you guys. I keep planning on reading the manual to learn about stuff like compression but im still on the Audiobox manual first.

    James Vining

    If you are looking for the Sonic BOOM Sound That Impending Doom has on their newest album if you find it let me know I have been wanting to recreate it, I talked to the band and they use a Trigger with a Modified 808 to get that sound but with my System I have at home it just Kicks .
    Using Peavey CS Amps and Super High end Subs, mids, hi’s with 600 watts to each 15″ Sub it is amazing not as good as when I had 800 watts to each but still alot better then any other stereo system I have ever owned in my entire life.
    it appears to me as if the Boom is around 40-80Hz but not positive just been playing with Some adjustments trying to figure it out.

    James Vining

    Check this song out at about 1:02 or 1:04 You will hear a Low Doooooom it just Gives me Quivers when I hear it, if you have a good system you will hear it for sure.
    Let me know what you think of that Boom sound goatbut29


    Oh that was nasty Spudler! Very tasty!!

    I want that sound too!!

    James Vining

    you like that? ya they have that a little of of the Album “There Will Be Violence” but the new Album “Baptized In Filth” they have it alot more and always in the perfect spots, LMAO ya know whats funny or sad actually when I first got the album in March of this year I was just Tweeting and Posting like crazy about the Sub Boom rattle your eyes out your noggin if ya have teh volume up enough ( I can pretty much rattle the darn nails out of my walls and can make it snow by vibrating the Popcorn ceeiling stuff off of my ceiling) and about 75% of the people had no Idea what I was talking about, I even broke down teh songs by Time and people were still befuddled until I listened to it through my SONY Digital Cinema Sound System and realized it was not reproducing a great deal of what makes alot of these songs just Kick Aresees. then I had to explain what I was talking about.
    I have a older component system in Garage and the Booms sound actually kinda weird to be kind (they actually sound quite sick and Nasty and not in a good way either)
    I will look up the email I recieved from Impending Doom when I was asking them about the Drums and the awesome Production along with that specific Trigger and get teh exact name again but I am almost sure he said it was a Modified 808 Setup as a Trigger on one of the Drums, I imagine a floor tom or so must have that on the Side or whever you position a Trigger.
    I personally am not a drummer a Singer ya a Guitarsist working on it but drummer no chance in LLEH. Although I have great Ideas that is why I bought EZDrummer first then S2.0, TMF, LOTE I,II,III, Metal Machine Midi, and have since rounded up about 355,472 Midi Drum Files but yet to find that one Specific Shot.
    Also trying to find some real good Quick Double bass Kicks like LOG Does or Trivium, AS I Lay Dying, All That Remains etc. If you happen upon some midi or have built some yourself with a Good 3,5,8 Kick then back to normal and that specific Brrrb, or Brrrrrrb Sound Let me know PLEASE.
    BTW the Band I was talking about is Impending Doom, I can Hook ya up with some of the cool Boom sounds if you want to try to figure it out you can IM me or Email me at or check me out at


    Thank you very much Spudler! Its amazing what some of these bands can do now with the right mixing, sounds, etc.

    I first became aware of the ‘sonic boom’ sound in metal when I bought a ‘Fear Factory’ cd many moons ago. They made it something other than just fluff in some rap song. I could appreciate that!

    At the very start of ‘Break you’ from Lamb of God, you can hear massive depth that just sends chills down your spine. Kind of like the first time I heard metal mixed with a symphany, it was like they were made for each other!

    Heres that LOG riff where you (if you have nice bass setup) can feel the depth of bass overtake you:

    I appreciate you offering to send me your sounds but Im about as useful as a wet paper bag at the moment when it comes to this stuff.
    I just wanted to play new sounds, be able to pick this sound or that sound and just play them…I didnt realize I would need to take a night-time course to understand it! :p

    Its all so over my head.
    Its like I live in the woods somewhere in Kentucky and just cant seem to comprehend the little stuff!

    (Frankfort to be exact)

    I would love to find that ‘log/Trivium/Chimera type of thump that sounds so sweet. If you find someone posting the ‘how to’ or a copy of their preset please let me know!

    James Vining

    Don’t feel bad, I am the same way, I bought (originally) Cakewalk Home Studio 7 and of course when SONAR X1 was treleased at a Huge Discount since i just Purchased HS7 I had to jump on that Wagon, then of course I had to Get all “Tooned” up EZDrummer, EZX DFH, S2.0 EZPlayer Pro, etc.etc. I still cannot do much more then record my guitar, and create some Semi-EEEh Drum tracks. Heck I have enough $$ slapped down I should be creating muisc like a Wild Crazy man.
    Now had I been able to have this stuff oh errr like 1991 be a different story I would be touring right now I am sure, but for some reason when I doubled that age I was really musically something seems I lost it.
    Sad too as I would of Gave my Left ya know whatski to have the ability I have today, it also helped I had 2 musical friends jammin with me 2-4 nights a week if they didn’t live so far away and have other things going on then maybe we could be doing something.
    me by myslef though I am just not that good musically, I was great at taking Lyrics ( already written as I cannot write lyrics to save my Neck) and then taking some random Riffs here and there tehy were playing and Pow abracapocus hocuscadabra we hada song.


    I think some of this sound you are looking for has got to be in the actual drum sound recording and is very dependent on the tuning of the drum.

    Top and bottom heads are tuned to sound good, and this usually means tuning so the top and bottom heads interact with each other. Just like with a guitar string where the tension increases and then reduces as you pluck it, increasing and then settling the pitch, the tension on a drum head rises and then falls as you strike it.

    This raises the pitch of the various tones and overtones of the batter head differently to the shockwave stretching the bottom head affecting its tones, etc. This means there is not a fixed relationship between the resonances of top and bottom head and the sympathetic resonance will change over the strike and drum decay. With me so far?

    Some drummers tune their heads so that there is a “hot” sypathetic co-resonance zone passed through as the heads relax after the strike resulting in very resonant booms that are different or just aren’t there during and immediately after the strike. the sound changes as the various frequncies slide over each other and head and shell resonances “sympathise”

    This is why, as a percussive instrument, tuning is still very subjective. There isn’t a definitive tone to necessarily aim for, it is a very complex tonal AND atonal instrument with two heads and a shell co-resonating in a changing and dynamic way. You can model it with synthesis methods to learn how to shape the sound in more of a quantative way, but the usual and quickest method is tweak and listen -tune it by ear…

    This is another reason that with some tunings drums just don’t sound “right” unless you hit them hard enough I say audition all the toms in your collection with hard hits, and then treat the close and ambient mics with compression to tease out the effect you hear in the drums that you find are tuned that way.

    Hope this helps.


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Thank you Planetnine and everyone!

    Hopefully with some time this will all start making more sense to me and become a little easier with understanding.

    I appreciate your detailed explanation Planetnine. Very cool!

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