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A few questions about the upgrade

EZdrummer Pre-sales
  • Doug

    I purchased EZdrummer1 several years ago, but never bonded with it, but the new features in EZdrummer2 address most of the issues I had with EZdrummer1. So I am considering purchasing the upgrade. I have a few questions (mostly about activations):

    1) Is there any way to identify if my current computer is the computer that was used to activate EZdrummer1? I am pretty certain it was, but I know I upgraded my OS from Win XP to Win7 since purchasing EZdrummer1. Would an OS upgrade cause the computer identification to change?

    2) I never reinstalled EZdrummer1 when I upgraded to Win7. Would I need to reinstall EZdrummer1 to install the EZdrummer2 upgrade, or could I just download the upgrade and do a fresh install of EZdrummer2?

    3) I am planning either an upgrade to an SSD or switching to a Mac in a month or two. Would an SSD upgrade cause the computer indentification to be different? My concern is burning one activation for item 1 above and then in a month or two having to burn another activation for the hardware upgrade.

    4) If I do migrate to a Mac, would I be able to install the Mac version of EZdrummer2 as a new activation for the upgrade without having to purchase EZdrummer2 again?

    Thanks for answers!


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