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A designated "Kicks & Snares" and not a single brush?!

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  • gearnerd

    The “Roots” mallets&brushes SDX seems to have brushes covered, they could make an EZX out of it. However something that is lacking is for superior drummer is to actually “understand” how Roland modules communicate brush swirls etc. Simply put, you can’t play with brushes with EZD or SD3, even if you have the right samples.

    Mr. Icelander

    The “Roots” mallets&brushes SDX seems to have brushes covered, they could make an EZX out of it. However something that is lacking is for superior drummer is to actually “understand” how Roland modules communicate brush swirls etc. Simply put, you can’t play with brushes with EZD or SD3, even if you have the right samples.

    Well yes, that particular issue was the subject of one of my very first niggle-post on here. So definitely that too.

    Never finish what you can't start!


    I’m happy to hear I’m not the only one asking for this. I made a post (probably in the wrong section?) for a feature request, but got no response. I figured I was about the only one who would want to use brushes in SD3, Roland doesn’t seem to develop their brush-kits since the TD-10, it’s a great niche for toontrack to step in.


    When it comes to “understanding” the Roland modules’ brush system, it is simply not communicated as anything else but hits. Why it works in the Roland modules is due to an internal system, I have been told.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: gearnerd
    Mr. Icelander

    To my mind the fundamental mistake TT has done with the any of their brush kits is simply mapping the core three sounds (Tap, Slap & Swirl, as defined in Roland’s GM) to the wrong notes! Even the Jazz EZX, which was the very first add-on I bought just because it has brushes, gets it wrong (still comes the closest though, as that one at least contains both swirl <em style=”line-height: 1.5;”>and sidestick), so I’m forced to do a lot of remapping in a DAW to make it remotely usable on any of the vast library of pre-existing midi material I’ve got. And I cannot begin to tell you how disappointing it was to have to find that out the hard way.

    This, btw, was the subject of that years ago post I mentioned. I even actually told them there and then the correct mapping in hopes they’d either fix it or at the very least use for future brush kits – Neither has happened yet.

    Never finish what you can't start!


    Thanked by: gearnerd

    When it comes to “understanding” the Roland modules’ brush system, it is simply not communicated as anything else but hits. Why it works in the Roland modules is due to an internal system, I have been told.


    I’m happy you took the time to answer this thoroughly. It seems that Roland has been neglecting this feature for years, it wasn’t on the TD 50 until an update. It was first introduced on the TDW-10 but it never got any significant updates since.

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