Hey all,
I’ve been writing a lot of the drum tracks for my band’s music lately as our drummer has basically fallen off the face of the planet. I do most of my writing in Guitar Pro, then export and then import the drum MIDI into Reaper for SD2 use. A section that I’m working on right now is not sounding how I’d like, mostly due to my limited understanding of percussion dynamics, but I’m confident it’s not a complicated technique. What I’m trying to emulate is something like the beat in verse of this song (starts right away).
Very simple seeming 16th note roll on the snare with certain hits accentuated.
How I have it mapped out in GP is simply 16th note snare hit ghost notes with the accentuated notes as normal hits. A friend suggested making the accentuated notes rimshots, which is one possibility, but still most of 16th notes are way too loud.
Like I said, my understanding of drum dynamics is pretty limited, and my understanding of SD2 is limited but workable. If anyone could explain a way to approach this kind of beat, whether in the MIDI stage or in DAW, please let me know.
Thanks very much for any help.