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Transfer of Ownership request – important information

You may transfer ownership of a serial number (license transfer) after it has been registered to your account for 30+ days and once the administrative fee is paid. You may not sell partial licenses or any authorization(s) for Toontrack products.


When you contact support via the FAQ page, you will need to select “License Transfer” via the “type of issue” drop-down menu, and it will direct you to complete the administrative fee, which needs to be completed for each serial number you want to transfer. You must be logged into your account in order to complete a transfer request.


The cost of the fee is USD 15 / EUR 15 / SEK 150


You must also do the following:

-remove your copy of the Toontrack product from your computer, server, and other back-up device or service or otherwise render it unusable.

-inform the new owner that the Toontrack product and license remains subject to our End-User License Agreement located here.

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