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Release notes for Superior Drummer 3.1.0

Superior Drummer 3.1.0 is now available to download using the Product Manager or from the ‘My Products’ area in your Toontrack account. Please note that version 3.1.0 is required for the support of Superior Drummer 3 products released from this point forward (Q1 2018).


Grid Editor

  • Instrument rows are now movable so you can order them in any way you like.
  • The instrument rows can now be resized horizontally.
  • Instruments can be soloed/muted from the grid editor.
  • Instrument/articulation row can now be set to show note lengths in case your instrument reacts to note off messages.
  • New menu button above instrument rows.
    • Show/hide unmapped/unloaded instruments
    • Reset order (to reset instrument ordering to default)
    • Collapse/expand all instrument rows
  • Zoom buttons/slider now zoom in on the playhead if visible.
  • Quantize has received an overhaul and now supports 0-100% quantize as well as swing and randomize options.
  • Notes currently not mapped to anything are now shown (as for example “Note 5”) so you can edit them.
  • The grid editor can now be detached to its own window for multi-screen support.
  • All blocks on the song track are now visible in the grid editor.
  • Inserting notes outside the MIDI block boundaries now extends the block to contain the notes.
  • The visible grid is now entirely based upon zoom; the further you zoom in, the more grid lines are visible.
  • The timebar has a right-click menu where you can select to show triplets or straight grid lines.
  • The snap menu now has an “Auto” option (active by default) that allows snap to work on the visible grid instead of predetermined values.
  • Nudge has been added to move notes in very small steps.
  • Auto-scroll (on by default) added so you can turn it off to stop the view from scrolling away when playing.
  • The arrow and pencil tools are now global and used in both note area and in velocity/CC/aftertouch editor.
  • The pencil tool now allows for inserting/removing notes on drag (to insert/remove a note at every snap value).
  • Improved editing of future hit instruments (built-in shaker and tambourine instruments).
  • Several keyboard shortcuts have been added.
    • 1: Select arrow tool
    • 2: Select pencil tool
    • G: Toggle snap
    • Q: Quantize selected notes 100%.
    • Ctrl (PC) / Alt (Mac) + arrow up/down: Move selected notes up/down
    • Ctrl (PC) / Alt (Mac) + arrow left/right: Nudge selected notes left/right
    • Arrow left/right/up/down: Change selected note
    • Shift + I: Invert selection
    • S / M: Solo/mute selected instrument/articulation rows
    • Alt + S/M: Clear/recall solo/mute
    • Ctrl (PC) / Alt (Mac) + A: Select all (in last clicked view)
  • New Options menu
    • Added the possibility to stretch notes to half and double tempo as well as convert between 4/4 and 6/8.
    • Snap can be changed to snap to “relative” which means a note’s offset to the grid line is preserved when moving it.
    • Nudge can be set to move a 128th note, one millisecond or follow the current snap setting.
  • New Select menu
    • Different options to select notes added here (like select only 8th notes, invert selection, exclude notes, etc.)
  • Velocity/CC/aftertouch editor changes
    • New graphics.
    • The dynamics knob has been replaced by three new sliders in velocity mode (velocity, dynamics and randomize).
    • The new sliders can be detached to allow for other editing in the velocity area.
    • The curve edit menu now has a recent section to quickly swap between the last edited CC/aftertouch/velocity.
    • Entries in the curve edit menu are now highlighted in case an active curve is available for that CC/aftertouch note.
    • Added aftertouch editing, both poly pressure and channel pressure.
    • CC curves can now be disabled.

Song Track

  • Paste menus now also show CC values.
  • CC information on MIDI blocks is now retained when overwriting a block with another (to keep for example macro automation intact).
  • Added an “Auto-Scroll” option to allow/stop the view from scrolling automatically when playing.
  • Paste is enabled at playhead position in Block menu if no block is selected.
  • When dropping MIDI from User MIDI, a dialog is shown with option to import tempo map and time signatures also.
  • Darker tempo edit background color so that it’s easier to see the tempo.


  • Renamed “Show Related Grooves” to “Show Similar Grooves” and “Show in Browser” to “Select Containing Folder.”
  • Renamed “CC Numbers” in control right-click menus to “Bind to CC.”
  • Added project name header in file menu.
  • Renamed “Scaling” to “Scale” in the View menu.
  • Removed the “file not supported” dialog when dragging unsupported files to the plug.
  • SD3 presets are now shown before the SD2 presets in the preset menu.
  • In Edit Play Style, the Edit and View menus are no longer disabled and the Song Creator may also be used.
  • Metronome settings have been added.
  • Auto-save system added. If the standalone is not closed properly, it asks if you want to load from auto-save next time it is opened.
  • Added “Rescan User Presets” to preset menus.
  • Tempo and time signatures are now included in dragged MIDI files where possible.
  • Added ‘Delete’ to the Drums and Mixer user presets arrow menus.
  • If the chosen Drums and Mixer preset is not found, it written in parentheses and in italics.
  • Better names on MIDI loops when dragging from Song Creator, Tap2Find and User MIDI.
  • Added a runtime No Audio Device warning.
  • New fonts that work on both PC and Mac.
  • Added option to “keep output routing on preset change” to the library preset menu.
  • Lots of new graphics.
  • Improved undo messages.
  • Added more actions to undo/redo system.
  • Improved alphabetical sort of the sound libraries.
  • Updated network support.
  • Added 125% scale option.
  • More window size options in the view menu (3 set sizes and an option to set custom window size).
  • On Windows, upon Reset in View menu, the window is rescaled to the DPI of the current monitor if main monitor has been switched.
  • On Windows, upon mouse-up after dragging the main window to a monitor with a different DPI, the user is given an option to rescale the interface.
  • Added Load Default Project and Delete Current Default Project to the File menu.
  • New graphics for the authorization dialogs.
  • About dialog has new design.
  • If a temporary file can’t be created as part of a drag operation, an alert dialog is shown.
  • New design of several tabs in settings.
  • Added handle dot to release curve slope.
  • Old EZdrummer 1 Mixer Presets can now be found under Parts Presets – Mixers.
  • Windows systems with a disk formatted with MacDrive software can now access their sounds.
  • Substituted articulations will now play the entire stack instead of only the main articulation.
  • Added ‘Reset to Original’ and ‘Clear All’ to the MIDI Mapping property box menu.
  • Added a visual handle to the Envelope Curve in the Envelope and Offset property box.
  • Added User Presets to the Envelope and Offset property box.
  • Added indicator on the curve in the Velocity Curve property box.
  • It is now possible to select more than the currently loaded library’s instrument types when creating a User Instrument based upon an imported audio file.
  • CC-controlled instruments will now play the entire stack of the target articulation.
  • Renamed the menu item in the Macro Control area to “Macro Control Settings…”
  • Changed automatic MIDI assignment when adding new instrument so that it works better (with cowbell for example).

Grooves Tab

  • Inactive folders are now easier to read when they are selected.
  • User MIDI libraries/folders are now scanned in the background to check if the folders are in sync. If a folder is not in sync, a orange dot will appear next to the menu button for that library, and in the menu the same orange dot is shown next to the “Sync File Changes” entry.
  • The installation dialog now has progress animation.
  • Improved handling of User MIDI section.
    • Show right-click menu when clicking on empty area in subfolder.
    • Show dimmed icon if folder is empty.
    • Select new path upon creating new subfolder.
    • E-drum presets can now be selected for User MIDI and mounted folders.
  • It is now more apparent if preview playback is altered (half tempo, original tempo, etc.).
  • Added Groove Parts, previously known as ‘Kit Pieces’ in Superior Drummer 2.
  • MIDI library names are now alphabetically sorted under each header in the browser.

Song Creator

  • Song structures are now sorted when scanned from disk (even with Apple File System).

Search for Instrument

  • When opening the browser for stacking, the entire stack is now previewed upon previewing a drum.
  • Added a menu button on selected rows that shows the same menu as right-clicking.
  • The first column is a bit wider since some text got truncated and the text is now always centered.

Drums Tab

  • Added “Reset” to the Hi-Hat CC Response box.
  • New error dialog if trying to load a drum and layer limits are set to zero which causes the drum not to load.
  • Removed the “Reset to Original” from the mapping box for added instruments.
  • Added a level indicator for the hi-hat CC edit box.
  • ‘Add note automatically…’ added to MIDI articulation menu.
  • Added ‘Reset Mapping’ to the MIDI Mapping box.
  • Clicking on an unmapped articulation records the note of the next mapped articulation (in Tap2Find and on the track).
  • Added ‘Copy to Stack’ in stack right-click menu.

E-Drum Settings

  • Added hi-hat and snare position indicator.
  • Calibration mode for the e-drum hi-hat pedal.
  • Added lots of new e-drum mappings.
  • Improved handling of aftertouch.

Advanced Settings

  • Restoring factory databases now has progress animation.

Libraries Settings

  • The path to Toontrack MIDI and EZXs can now be changed if the current one is missing, invalid or empty.


  • Added a text filter to the macro edit view.
  • Macro knobs now have tooltips.


  • The solo/mute system has been reworked and improved.
  • Descriptive labels have been added in the effect windows. The loaded preset and side chain is now shown on the buttons.
  • Side chain is now included when copying/moving effect boxes.
  • A menu has been added next to “Edit Visibility,” with an icon that shows when a channel with audio is hidden.
  • Removing sends, turning sends on/off and changing pre/post on sends now applies to all selected channels.
  • Removing effects now applies to all selected channels.
  • Added a bypass effects button on each mixer channel.
  • Added a right-click menu on channels.
  • Added option to mute channels pre/post send.
  • Send boxes now show graphically if the send is pre effects, pre fader or post fader.
  • Send and effect boxes have improved GUI with mouse-over hovering effect.
  • Effect/send boxes are highlighted when they have an open window.
  • Added multi-select operations to inserts and sends.
  • The user will now be alerted if any of the hidden channels contains audio and has the option to unhide those channels.
  • The Show Channels buttons will now contain information about how many channels that are hidden.
  • Added a value on the slider in Level Envelope Releases property box.
  • “Apply Multichannel Outputs” now preserves bus routing.


  • While playing with Follow Host active, you can now stop the playhead by pressing Stop button in Tracker, or pause/continue by pressing the Play button.
  • If Follow Host is active, the playhead will no longer stop when reaching the end of the last audio block.
  • When you had changed a time signature, the next time you opened Find Tempo, all tempos got updated. Now all tempos preceding the time signature change are preserved and only the tempos after it will be updated to match the new bar times.
  • Speeded up the interface repainting.
  • Possibility to drag empty loops from Tracker Export to song track.
  • Added articulation submenu to the wave track right-click menu.
  • Timebars draw bar decimals when zoomed in now.
  • New Target popup design.
  • New layout of Instrument Alert Popup.
  • Nudging of transients is now possible.
  • Exported MIDI file division is now 9600 instead of 960.
  • Show Grid option in Tracker menu.
  • Showing “Add Track Drop Zone” button while dragging an audio file inside Tracker.
  • Reduce Bleed tracks are set to all available tracks the first time you open the popup or move the knob.
  • An alert is shown if resampling fails upon loading audio.
  • Split tool now splits all selected tracks.


  • The user gets an option to use default audio settings when saved settings cannot be loaded.
  • If user chooses to continue without audio, audio settings are not saved upon closing.
  • Updated the audio interface handling.
Bug Fixes (Major)


  • It should no longer crash when you change scale from 70% to 250%.
  • Trying to save a preset with no name caused a crash.
  • Dragging from SD3 now works on MacOS X Snow Leopard.
  • It no longer crashes on Mac when you try to drag MIDI from SD3 and a temporary file can’t be created.
  • Version mismatch between plug-in and resources could cause a crash.
  • Loading an instrument/plug-in preset from a DAW while the SD3 GUI was closed could cause a crash when showing the GUI again.
  • Having corrupt graphics could cause a crash.
  • Having a broken library loaded could cause a crash.
  • Scanning for libraries in the Library Settings dialog could cause a crash.
  • Rejected libraries should no longer cause a freeze.
  • Fix for crash when saving MIDI learn preset.
  • Superior no longer crashes when having an external mixer (or other external window) and using “save as” or “load” in the plug-in menu in Logic X.
  • Superior no longer crashes upon changing output routing when running a sample rate other than 44100 Hz.
  • A crash could occur when loading presets in some rare situations regarding side chain.

Drums Tab

  • Fixed crash when trying to remap drums that were replaced with user samples.


  • Removing a user channel could cause a crash in certain situations.
  • Undoing in the mixer could cause a crash in certain situations.


  • Crash fix for clicking the macro properties button when having the macro editor view detached.

Search for Instrument

  • It should no longer crash when you preview (click) an unmapped articulation.
  • Trying to access sounds from unavailable sound library could cause a crash.

Song Track

  • Having time signature 1/32 or lower on the track could cause a crash.
  • Pasting only ride could cause a crash.
  • DnD to the song track from the browser could cause a crash in some situations.

Edit Play Style

  • Changing amount on a percussion instrument could cause a crash.

Grooves Tab

  • SD3 could crash in certain situations while adding/removing/syncing user MIDI.
  • If rebuilding a broken database failed yet again, it would cause a crash.
  • The “User MIDI” folder wasn’t automatically created by SD3 and only worked for users with EZdrummer 2 already installed.
  • Pressing play in Tap2Find twice could cause a crash.
  • Reading a MIDI file while already playing could cause a crash in some situations.


  • Dropping an empty MIDI loop from Tracker to the song track could cause a crash.


  • Trying to quit the Mac standalone with cmd-Q when a menu was open in the plug-in would lock up the application.
Bug Fixes (Minor)


  • Keyboard shortcuts were active although settings page said otherwise.
  • Fixed some bugs where the browser did not play in the tempo shown at the bottom of the screen.
  • Could not start the song track while the Tap2Find result player was playing.
  • Alert window for unavailable libraries is no longer closed directly if scaling is used.
  • Double-clicking a project file could fail to open.
  • There was a scenario were a error dialog and a progress dialog could be overlapping each other.
  • Incoming notes that weren’t mapped were not shown in the MIDI Mapping Keys view.
  • Aftertouch messages could get removed from MIDI blocks in some situations.
  • Undoing certain things would cause all detached windows to be reattached.
  • E-drum preset was active by default.
  • Clicking the Drums and Mixer user preset menu arrow and then Esc, the preset was chosen anyway.
  • The macro knob area is now properly hidden when running Tap2Find.
  • Macro name is saved in project/presets even though it has no assigned parameters.
  • Selecting the first preset in older SDXs and EZXs didn’t show the preset name correctly.
  • E-drum transform is applied before MIDI learn on drums, making it work correctly.
  • Changed name and behavior on the tracker parameters to reflect the song track parameters.
  • Memory display is updated when undoing bleed on/off.
  • DnD of files without extension is no longer supported.
  • Resizing property boxes could end up hiding all boxes.
  • “UK” is now shown as “UK” instead of “Uk” in the MIDI browser and in sound library names
  • Modal popups could be shown outside the window if scale was changed.
  • Removed the automatic mapping of notes 2-5.
  • Velocity curve presets were not loaded properly.
  • Extended level envelope releases (in mixer) now properly affects the curve slope in the “Envelope and Offset” property box. (Important when trying to achieve damping effects.)
  • Preset menus are now properly sorted also on macOS High Sierra.
  • Instrument velocity curve preset was always curved when loaded even if it was saved as linear.
  • Hi-hat open/close buttons were at wrong position when Tap2Find was opened if the window had been resized.
  • Width of text in Smoothing box is now set to fit the changing box size.
  • Fixed a problem with menus – that selections and submenus were sometimes flickering, making it hard to select what you wanted.

Drums Tab

  • Dragging and replacing a drum with a user sample and then hitting undo did not work.
  • The articulations list and the piano roll were not always updating when substituted notes were played.
  • Clicking on a drum with a stack selected did not show any visual hits on the drum itself.
  • Clicking on a drum or articulation now plays the hardest allowed hit through the velocity gate, not always 127.

Grid Editor

  • Notes in a MIDI block that weren’t mapped to an instrument were removed upon editing the block.
  • Undoing didn’t properly restore the previous selection.
  • Undoing and redoing several times in succession could cause performance issues.
  • It was possible to insert notes before 0.
  • Selecting blocks with rectangle now works the same in CC/velocity edit window as in grid edit window.


  • Routing close and bleed mics from the same instrument to the same channel caused the bleed property box to behave badly.
  • Having bleed properties shown/hidden wasn’t properly saved/restored upon loading a project.
  • Selected instruments in mixer bleed are kept when switching tabs.
  • Creating/removing sends was showing an empty undo message.
  • An error dialog is now shown if the user tries to enable a send that would cause a feedback loop.
  • Fixed a bug that cleared all side chains on all effects on a channel, except the one that should be affected, when undoing side chain, effect type or effect preset changes.
  • Undoing effect type or side chain changes no longer closes the affected effect window.
  • A bug was fixed that caused the last preset in the effect preset menu to appear to be selected after cancelling a “Save As.”
  • Top bar and buttons are no longer shown in mixer if library couldn’t be loaded.
  • Fixed bugs with undoing moving of effects, and changed so that undoing tries to keep effect windows open when it makes sense to do so.
  • When right-clicking on empty insert, its hover effect disappears. Right click on effect box always shows effect menu.
  • Right click on blue line between effects now works the same as clicking on empty effect slot.
  • If multi-selecting in mixer, the menu items are enabled and disabled based on if any of the selected channels has that option enabled.


  • Removing instruments, stacks, sends or channels also removes the macros that belonged to it (didn’t work in all scenarios before). Also saving undo in those cases.
  • There were missing descriptions in MIDI learn and Macros.

Search for Instrument

  • The last used filters are no longer remembered unless a drum was actually loaded.
  • Auto-load didn’t work when selecting instruments with the mouse.
  • The instrument images didn’t get rescaled properly when scaling the SD3 window.

Song Creator

  • Dragging preset and replacing loops from the song creator did not set a proper file path on the blocks.
  • Loading a project containing song creator loops didn’t always load correctly upon launch.
  • The input loop didn’t get sorted in the correct list. A verse could end up as a chorus, for example.

Song Track

  • The drawing of bar numbers did not really work the same on different zoom levels.
  • Creating new song track in minimized mode creates a minimized song track.
  • The last pixels of the song track were not drawn.
  • Add Empty Block from the song track menu always put the block at the first bar.
  • Add Empty Block could overwrite existing blocks. It is now shortened to fit in the empty space if necessary and possible.
  • Switching libraries or remapping drums could lead to empty song blocks.
  • The song track would loop back to the loop start position if it encountered a tempo change after the loop end.
  • Having scissor tool active and selecting Remove in the right-click menu caused the scissor graphics to get stuck on the track.
  • There were some scenarios where “Automatically Loop Selection” didn’t work properly.
  • The track length dialog (accessed through right click on timebar) had a few bugs that have been sorted out.
  • It is now possible to set a custom loop area on the song track even though “Automatically Loop Selection” is selected.
  • Playhead position could not be changed manually when Follow Host was active.
  • Not enabling loop when dropping MIDI block on track and “Automatically Loop Selection” is on.
  • The correct MIDI notes are highlighted on the song blocks when selecting instruments in Edit Play Style.
  • Not recording CC notes when clicking in the MIDI Mapping box.
  • The import MIDI dialog was shown when it wasn’t supposed to be.
  • Pasting block on the song track did not update the selections in Edit Play Style.
  • Pasting specific instruments from the same loop can no longer change the length of the block.
  • Right click on song track timebar no longer moves the playhead.
  • On Mac, if you have multiple song blocks selected and ctrl-click one of them, the others are no longer deselected.

Edit Play Style

  • Copying MIDI from an instrument to another discards CC values not used on the receiving instrument.

Grooves Tab

  • Sync File Changes restored all browser columns to their default state.
  • Tap2Find didn’t work properly on future hit MIDI if no future hit pad was present.
  • “Show in Browser” (now “Select Containing Folder”) didn’t update the GUI properly after resetting search filters, possibly leaving folders greyed out.
  • Saving project while macro controls and song creator are open with the SD3 window in minimum size would make the filter area of grooves browser go missing.
  • “Sync File Changes” on user MIDI folders now properly retains favorite state in those folders.
  • Online MIDI library names were formatted incorrectly in the database, leading to some packs potentially not being properly recognized as “installed locally” when searching for only online MIDI.
  • The progress dialogs didn’t align properly when resizing window.
  • Running multiple instances of SD3 didn’t always trigger the “Waiting for another instance of Superior 3 to finish…” message when doing stuff with the databases that stops read access.
  • User libraries didn’t work properly on Mac with special characters in the path/filename.
  • Saving files to User MIDI now writes the correct time signature.
  • Loading a project didn’t properly reset the back/forward buttons.
  • Dragging a file from a user MIDI folder to another caused a memory leak.
  • Using back and then forward while having a Tap2Find loop would cause the loop to become empty.
  • Sidestick can again be searched for in Tap2Find and double kick and remapped snares are now handled.
  • Tap2Find did not always play in the right time signature.
  • Tap2Find showed the wrong tempo when in Follow Host mode.


  • During playback, there is no longer any auto-scrolling to playhead while the scrollbar handle is being dragged.
  • Exporting with “fixed tempo from song track” option is no longer dependent on where the playhead is located but takes the first tempo in the song track.
  • The transients were not rendered properly in the scrollbar.
  • Duplicating a track could yield silent transients.
  • Toggling loop on/off didn’t work properly.
  • Hovering a deselected marker could make it marked again.
  • Right-clicking in empty area no longer deselects multiple selected markers.
  • The blend slider tooltip was not updated when a project was loaded.
  • Could not mark low velocity transients in wave track.
  • Draggable marking rectangle can not go outside of the tracks to the left anymore.
  • Sometimes the wave track graphics were not updated when dragging the select rectangle back and forth over tracks.
  • In Tracker export mode, sometimes it was hard to deselect a track by clicking due to graphics that weren’t updated.
  • Disabled key shortcuts to change Tools while in Tracker Export and Find Tempo mode.

E-Drums Settings

  • Setting the hi-hat openness sliders to the top or bottom in e-drum settings ignores those levels.
  • Calibration of hi-hat pedal did only work correctly the first time.
  • Opening the hi-hat openness preset menu in e-drum settings and then clicking outside it applied the default preset anyway.


  • Some MIDI device names could not be displayed correctly.
  • Closing SD3 without having made any changes should no longer ask if the user wants to save.
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