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Installation (Tutorials & Common issues)

We recommend using the Toontrack Product Manager application to download, install and authorize Toontrack products to your computer.

Video tutorials





Everything does not always go as planned…
Did you get an error message while installing or does it seem like the installation failed? Please see if there is a similar error message or problem listed below, perhaps the issue can be solved quickly!


Mac & Windows


This type of warning suggests that you dont have the required software installed to install a content update and/or expansion (EZX/EBX/EKX/SDX/EZkeys MIDI). Make sure that you:

  • Own the required software. Double-check the System Requirements section of the product page for the product you’re trying to install.
  • Install the required software (and software update).

There are multiple ways this warning has been worded through the years and the message varies from product to product. Currently when you install via Product Manager, a new installer app will be used and you will get the “No software found.” message but if you choose to install the product via Finder or File explorer you may get other similar warning messages when you start the installer, because it may be an older installer app version.

One exception is Drum MIDI packs. You can ignore the warning for those packs and just extract the MIDI from the Contents folder within the installer manually.

Should all else fail…

If you are trying to install an expansion pack and:

  1. You have installed the software product (EZbass, EZdrummer, EZkeys or Superior Drummer) that is required for that expansion.
  2. You have installed the latest update for that software product.

..But you are still getting these errors, please use the Contact Support button at the bottom of this FAQ and provide details of what you have tried to do in terms of troubleshooting so far.

In addition to that, please also gather some diagnostic information with the instructions below (choose your OS). Attach the resulting file to your ticket.


If you are using macOS, follow the instructions below to gather information for our support.

  1. Open Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
  2. Copy (CMD+C) and paste (CMD+V) the following code into the Terminal window, then press Enter.
    for plist in /Users/Shared/Toontrack/Preferences/*; do defaults read $plist SDIVersion; done &> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt
  3. After pressing Enter, you should find a new file that was created on your desktop called TT_Support_Diag, please attach that file to your support ticket.


If you are using Windows, follow the instructions below to gather information for our support.

  1. Open Command Prompt (find it via Windows search)
  2. Copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) the following code into the Command Prompt window, then press Enter.
    reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE /v SDIVersion /S > %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\TT_Support_Diag.txt
  3. After pressing Enter, you should find a new file that was created on your desktop called TT_Support_Diag, please attach that file to your support ticket.

There have been cases where no matter what you do, an update or installation isn’t recognized by Product Manager and EZdrummer/Superior Drummer. You keep running the installer and it said that it completed without errors but it doesn’t seem to register. Product Manager still shows the red install or update button.

The goal of the following instructions is to find invalid entries in your system files so that you can inform support and get a quicker resolution when you contact our support. MidiPath entries should not exist, and there may be an extra HomePath entry in your system files causing issues.
Choose your OS below to proceed.


If you are using macOS, follow the instructions below to gather information for our support.

  1. Open Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
  2. Select, copy (CMD+C) and paste (CMD+V) the following code into the Terminal window, then press Enter.
    ( defaults read /Users/Shared/Toontrack/Preferences/com.toontrack.superior.auezdrummer.plist; defaults read com.toontrack.superior.auezdrummer.plist ) &> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt
  3. After pressing Enter, you should find a new file that was created on your desktop called TT_Support_Diag, please attach that file to your support ticket.


If you are using Windows, follow the instructions below to gather information for our support.

  1. Open Command Prompt (find it via Windows search)
  2. Select, copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) the following code into the Command Prompt window, then press Enter.
    reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE /v MidiPath* /S
    reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE /v MidiPath* /S
    reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE /v HomePath* /S
    reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE /v HomePath* /S
  3. After pressing Enter, the output will show if it found any matching registry keys, and it will look something like this:

    MidiPath REG_SZ C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Toontrack\EZDrummer\MIDI
    End of search: 1 match(es) found.
  4. Please screenshot the command prompt window or select the text and copy it into your support ticket.

Please make sure that the full SDX expansion is actually installed. This can happen if you didn’t install the 10GB+ SDX library prior to launching this update.

The base SDX installer is only available via Product Manager, you cannot download the installer via the website directly due to the size of our SDXs.

If you know that it is installed but the checkbox for choosing “Install Directory” in the update installer is not responsive and you can’t install the update, please gather some information for our support.
Choose your OS below to proceed.


If you are using macOS, follow the instructions below to gather information for our support.

  1. Open Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
  2. Select, copy (CMD+C) and paste (CMD+V) the following code into the Terminal window, then press Enter.
    ( echo "Shared com.toontrack.superior.superior2.plist\n"; defaults read /Users/Shared/Toontrack/Preferences/com.toontrack.superior.superior2.plist; echo "User com.toontrack.superior.superior2.plist\n"; defaults read com.toontrack.superior.superior2.plist ) &> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt
  3. After pressing Enter, you should find a new file that was created on your desktop called TT_Support_Diag, please attach that file to your support ticket.


If you are using Windows, follow the instructions below to gather information for our support.

  1. Open Command Prompt (find it via Windows search)
  2. Select, copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) the following code into the Command Prompt window, then press Enter.
    reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE /v SL_Path_* /S
    reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE /v SL_PathB_* /S
    reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE /v SL_Path_* /S
    reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE /v SL_PathB_* /S
  3. Please screenshot the command prompt window or select the text and copy it into your support ticket.

If you get this message during the installation, please press the Open Log button, or File > Open Install Log, or Window > Installer Log

If there is a drop-down menu in the log saying “Show Errors Only” or something similar. Please change it to “Show All Logs”. Then save the log. Use the Contact Support button at the bottom of this FAQ and attach the log to the support form.

These errors can occur when the installer does not have permission to copy files to the install location.

  1. Make sure that you haven’t picked a bad install location. Some examples that will cause issues:
    • An external drive that is used for backups (like Time Machine on macOS).
    • Your Downloads folder or the same folder the installer is located in.
  2. If you have picked a bad location, just restart the installer and pick a more appropriate directory or choose the default.
  3. Check the write/read permissions of the folder you’ve picked.

    Right-click the folder > Get info > Sharing & Permissions. Make sure that the relevant user group has read and write permission.


    Right-click the folder > Properties > Security. Make sure that the relevant user group has read and write permission.

Then try installing your Toontrack products again.

Perhaps the disk is bad…

Similar copy errors may occur if you are trying to install Toontrack software on a bad disk. But then the installer shouldn’t say anything about permissions. See the links below for further troubleshooting.

Scan and repair a disk on Windows.

Use Disk Utility to scan and repair a disk on macOS.

This error can occur when you are trying to update a very old installation of a library. The old file and folder structure in that old installation is not compatible with our newer updates.

We often see users reporting this with update installers for Latin Percussion EZX and Nashville EZX.

The solution is deleting the sound library from disk, then install the full product via Product Manager. After that, you can update the sound library.

  1. Newer versions of our plug-ins have a Settings > Libraries/Paths tab that you can use to see where you have your sound libraries installed on disk.
  2. Default sound library locations in macOS Finder/Windows File Explorer are listed in this FAQ.
  3. Find and remove the EZX folder from disk after finding the sound library location. Folder names:
    • Latin Percussion EZX: EZX_Percussion
    • Nashville EZX: EZX_Nashville
    • Please contact support if you are unsure which folder you need to delete.
  4. Install the expansion again using the Full Product Installer in the Product Manager application.
  5. Try the update again.




This message or Error 1714 can appear and is not an issue in the installer itself, but the error is in your OS/system files. We would recommend the following in this case:

  1. Use Add/Remove programs to uninstall the Toontrack software that you are trying to launch/update.
  2. If the above did not work, try uninstalling/reinstalling your Toontrack software with the Windows Installer Troubleshooter tool.
  3. Then install the software again.

Error 1309, 1311 or “No installer configuration file was found” can be caused by attempting to run the installer before the contents of the download have been un-zipped. To avoid this error please use the Toontrack Product manager application, it will extract and install the product for you.

If you for some reason do not want to use Product Manager, please right click the downloaded file and select “Extract All..” then choose a destination for the files to be extracted to. We recommend the desktop to avoid any confusion with the original download. Finally, please run the now extracted installer.

Error 1309 can also relate to the length of the path to the files, which means you will need to run the installer from higher up in the directory tree, i.e move/uncompress the archive to the top of your C: drive.

These errors can be caused by bad temporary files that are created during a failed installation. The solution in this case is to clean up the folder.

  1. Navigate to Settings > System > Storage > Storage sense.
  2. Click “Free up space now”.

Then try installing your Toontrack products again.

These errors are related to insufficient or incorrect read/write permissions for your C:\Windows\Temp folder.

  1. Navigate to the temp folder at C:\Windows\ in your Windows File Explorer.
  2. Right-click the Temp folder > Properties and uncheck the read-only checkbox.
  3. Switch to the Security tab and choose the Administrators group in the top list. Make sure it is highlighted.
  4. At the bottom of the window, make sure that Full Control has a checkmark under “Allow” for the Administrators group.




It is not an uncommon issue on macOS that you end up in a situation where the installer says that it installed everything but there are parts that won’t install such as the standalone app or a specific plug-in format. Most likely this is because you’ve had an installation before but you deleted the standalone app and/or plug-in file in Finder. Whatever the reason is, it is easily solved.

See this FAQ for more information.

Some of our installers are 32-bit and need the Product Manager application 64-bit installer to be able to be installed on your OS version. Please use Product Manager to install the product and do not open the directly from the DMG archive as shown in the image above.

The Product Manager can be downloaded at this link.

After downloading and installing Product Manager:

  1. Launch it from Finder > Applications > Toontrack.
  2. Find the product you want to install in the product list.
  3. Press the red Download button.
  4. When the download has finished, the button will change to say “Install Product”. Click the red button again.
  5. The installer should launch and you should be able to install the product.

This error may appear after updating your OS. It means that the installer helper service (called Toontrack Music AB or com.toontrack.installer.helper in your Login/startup items) is turned off or that the permissions for that service is not set up correctly.

We would recommend the following in this case:

  1. Close all Toontrack installers you have open.
  2. Open Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
  3. Select, copy (CMD+C) and paste (CMD+V) the following code into the Terminal window, then press Enter.
    sudo launchctl enable system/com.toontrack.installer.helper
  4. Paste that in Terminal, press Enter, then when you get a password prompt, type the computer admin/password and press Enter. Then try installing the Toontrack product again.
  5. Make sure that Toontrack Music AB or com.toontrack.installer.helper is listed in your System Preferences > General > Login items or startup items and that it is allowed to run in the background.

If the above did not work, please gather some more info before sending it to our support.

Follow the instructions
  1. Open Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
  2. Select, copy (CMD+C) and paste (CMD+V) the following code into the Terminal window, then press Enter.
    launchctl print system/com.toontrack.installer.helper > ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt 2>&1
    launchctl print-disabled system >> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt 2>&1
    ps -jax | grep com.toontrack.installer.helper | grep -v grep >> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt 2>&1
    ls -leOd /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools >> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt 2>&1
    ls -leO /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.toontrack.installer.helper >> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt 2>&1
    ls -leO /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toontrack.installer.helper.plist >> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt 2>&1
    cat /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toontrack.installer.helper.plist >> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt 2>&1
    log show --debug --info --last 10m | egrep -i '( helper| privileged|launch|toontrack|installer)' >> ~/Desktop/TT_Support_Diag.txt 2>&1
  3. After pressing Enter, you should find a new file that was created on your desktop called TT_Support_Diag, please attach that file to your support ticket.

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