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How do I route multichannel outputs from my Toontrack plug-in to my DAW?

In all of our instrument plug-ins, there are options to send multiple outputs to a host application or DAW. In this FAQ, we dive deep into how this is done for each plug-in in all of the hosts we regularly test our plug-ins in.

Enabling multichannel outputs in the plug-in

Depending on the Toontrack software you are using, you will have more or less options to send multiple outputs to a DAW. We have opted to enable as many outputs as we deem to be necessary for each product.

For example, the EZbass output can be split into three: a raw DI signal, effects chain and sub-bass. EZdrummer 3 can output up to 16 stereo signals, which allows you to individually process the instruments in your DAW much like you would in the Superior Drummer 3 mixer.

You can enable Multi-Out Audio in the Settings > General tab. After enabling this option, EZbass will send its Effects chain on Output 1/2, Bass DI on Output 3/4, and Sub-bass on Output 5/6.

Click the image below for more details.

Open the Mixer tab, then you can either configure the outputs manually by setting the outputs for each channel in the mixer, or use the Mixer menu in the top left > Multichannel to use the pre-configured setting for the sound library and preset you have loaded.

We would recommend using the “Basic”, “Default” or “Original Mix” preset depending on if you want to route all available mics in the EZX you are using or not. The sound designers may have grouped the mics into bus channels in other presets. Something to keep in mind, at least.

Click the image below for more details.

EZkeys 2 normally does not have any multichannel outputs active, but some EKXs and/or libraries may include presets that have multi-outs configured. In the core library, you will find such presets in the preset menu under Raw Sounds.

Click the image below for more details.

Open the Mixer tab, then you can either configure the outputs manually by setting the outputs for each channel in the mixer, or use the Mixer menu in the top left > Apply Multichannel Outputs to use the pre-configured setting for the sound library and preset you have loaded.

We would recommend using the “Basic”, “Default” or “Original Mix” preset depending on if you want to route all available mics in the SDX/EZX you are using or not. The sound designers may have grouped the mics into bus channels in other presets. Something to keep in mind, at least.

Click the image below for more details.


Routing the outputs in your host

After you have enabled multi-outs in the plug-in, you are going to have to route those signals from the plug-in to the mixer in your DAW.
Please select your host below for more information on how to proceed. Note that the procedure may be slightly different depending on the version of host you are using.

Ableton Live

In Ableton, you need to create audio tracks for each output you want to use and then set the input for those tracks correctly.

  1. Load your Toontrack plug-in in Ableton.
  2. Enable multichannel outputs in the plug-in (described in the section above).
  3. Right-click in the Ableton mixer > Insert Audio Track.
  4. In the upper “Audio From” drop-down menu (Input Type) select the track containing your Toontrack plug-in.
  5. In the lower “Audio From” drop-down menu (Input Channel) select the desired output that you want to send to this audio track.
  6. Set the audio track’s Monitor switch to “In”.
  7. Repeat steps 3-5 for all of the outputs you want to use.


Cakewalk lets you add the output tracks when you add the instrument plug-in to your project.

  1. Open the Synth Rack.
  2. Press the (+) button.
  3. Tick the Instrument Track Per Output checkbox.
  4. Hit OK.
  5. Enable multichannel outputs in the plug-in (described in the section above).


Load the plug-in and then enable the outputs in the VST instrument window.

  1. Load your Toontrack plug-in in Cubase.
  2. Enable multichannel outputs in the plug-in (described in the section above).
  3. Open Studio > VST Instruments.
  4. Click Activate Outputs.
  5. Activate all outputs or the outputs that you need.
  6. The channels you activate will then show up in the Cubase mixer.

Digital Performer

In Digital Performer, you need to create audio tracks for each output you want to use and then set the input for those tracks correctly.

  1. Load your Toontrack plug-in in Digital Performer.
  2. Enable multichannel outputs in the plug-in (described in the section above).
  3. Open the Mixing Board view.
  4. Create as many audio tracks or aux inputs in Digital Performer as you need (same number of tracks as outputs used in the plug-in). Project > Add Track > Aux Track
  5. Set the input of each track you created to an output from the plug-in.


Garageband does not allow you to send audio from an Audio Unit plug-in to multiple tracks.

Logic Pro

Load the plug-in and then enable the outputs in the mixer console of Logic.

  1. Load your Toontrack plug-in on a software instrument track in Logic. Pick the desired output option (Stereo is default, 16xStereo can be used for SD3, for example.)
  2. Enable multichannel outputs in the plug-in (described in the section above).
  3. Open the Mixer (X).
  4. Press the (+) sign on the software instrument track multiple times to enable the Aux channels one by one.

Pro Tools

In Pro Tools, you need to create audio tracks or aux inputs for each output you want to use and then set the input for those tracks correctly.

  1. Load your Toontrack plug-in on a software instrument track in Pro Tools.
  2. Enable multichannel outputs in the plug-in (described in the section above).
  3. Open Track > New…
  4. Create as many audio tracks or aux inputs in Pro Tools as you need (same number of tracks as outputs used in the plug-in).
  5. For each track, in the input drop-down menu, choose plug-in > Your plug-in > the output you want to send to this track.
  6. Don’t forget to enable input monitoring/record arm before you record anything into Pro Tools if you chose to use audio tracks over aux inputs.


In REAPER you only need to load your Toontrack plug-in and choose the auto-routing that REAPER suggests.

  1. Open Track > Insert virtual instrument on new track… > Pick the Toontrack plug-in in the plug-in list.
  2. Press “Yes” in the dialog that pops up to add all available tracks.

After selecting the correct plug-in ID option, restart Reason and you should be able to load EZbass in the project that was saved on the other platform.

Studio One

Load the plug-in and then enable the outputs in the Instrument list next to the Mixer console in Studio One.

  1. Load your Toontrack plug-in in Studio One.
  2. Enable multichannel outputs in the plug-in (described in the section above).
  3. Open View > Console.
  4. Click on the instrument plug-in in the list to the left.
  5. Activate all outputs or the outputs that you need.
  6. The channels you activate will then show up in the Studio One mixer.


Load the plug-in, then use a wrapper to send each stereo output to separate stereo tracks.

  1. Load your Toontrack plug-in in Waveform.
  2. Enable multichannel outputs in the plug-in (described in the section above).
  3. Add as many audio tracks as you need by right-clicking in an empty space in the Waveform timeline.
  4. Right-click the plug-in > Wrap this plug-in in a new rack plug-in.
  5. Click the (+) button to load your tracks to this view.
  6. Connect each output to an input of the tracks you added.


My preset sounds different with multichannel routing!

If there are any effects in the preset you are using on the first output channel before you enable multi-outs, those effects will either be inactivated or they will only be on output channel 1/2 which normally is the kick channel. A common reaction is “Why did EZdrummer 3 get so quiet now when I’m using multi-outs?”.

Master bus compression and saturation and such effects need to be added in the host to compensate if you want to get roughly the same sound in your host.

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