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Does playing SD3 through a module, cause you to lose low frequencies?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Ilja Körrer


    Yes had the same experience. If you just use your setup for practise, you could create a seperate Kick Bus for subkick frequencies and adjust the amount as you wish.

    For Livesituation I use a xr18 as a submixer for my monitoring. The channels from sd3 come as seperated channels and I can build my monitormix via diffetent busses as I like, FOH gets a Stereomix out of xr18 Mains. Works perfect!


    Thanked by: Ryanrrr

    Oh yeah! Excellent idea

    I do just play causally so the sub kick bus is the way to go i think.

    So its more than likely just the SD3 samples not having much sub frequencies? Rather than there being a hardware/software deficiency somewhere in the chain?


    I did try the sub kick bus and it helped a little, but not really to the point of putting back in the amount of response from the roland kit samples.

    Any other ideas? I dont know if anyones tried a higher end audio interface and maybe noticed a difference in audio quality/frequency range?


    The clean kits from the stock  SD3 library are known to be very quiet with E-Drums but some presets sound great and can drive the P&D easily so is not an issue with SD3 samples, the issue is that the P&D expects a signal that is nice and hot, which the TD-27 as audio interface simply cannot give, I use an RME Fireface UCX II Audio interface and I can create a submix especially for the P&D only, you can choose from +4dB up to 19dB and the thumper will react accordingly, another advantage is you can trigger it only with the SD3 sounds by selecting another output and routing it to the P&D so you don’t trigger it with every computer sound, which is very annoying. I started with the RME Babyface and it worked great too.

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