Does playing SD3 through a module, cause you to lose low frequencies?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Ilja Körrer


    Yes had the same experience. If you just use your setup for practise, you could create a seperate Kick Bus for subkick frequencies and adjust the amount as you wish.

    For Livesituation I use a xr18 as a submixer for my monitoring. The channels from sd3 come as seperated channels and I can build my monitormix via diffetent busses as I like, FOH gets a Stereomix out of xr18 Mains. Works perfect!


    Thanked by: Ryanrrr

    Oh yeah! Excellent idea

    I do just play causally so the sub kick bus is the way to go i think.

    So its more than likely just the SD3 samples not having much sub frequencies? Rather than there being a hardware/software deficiency somewhere in the chain?


    I did try the sub kick bus and it helped a little, but not really to the point of putting back in the amount of response from the roland kit samples.

    Any other ideas? I dont know if anyones tried a higher end audio interface and maybe noticed a difference in audio quality/frequency range?

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