Custom and Vintage wont update In product manager with SD3 installed

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • John


    please try to Delete the Download in Product Manager and re-download the Update. Then run it again and check what version number is reported for the library.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    David Rothan
    stuart coles

    @stuart coles said:
    I have just installed SD3 and also updated my entire library in Toontrack Product Manager. Everything has worked well except for my C&V set
    it starts to install but does not bring up the Toontrack install window as all the others did. it stop installing with no message
    CV can be heard when running SD3 but no images etc

    is there something I have missed?  

    “this issue has been amended by the tech crew at TT – works great, will install now”

    Greg Johnson

    @John said:

    please try to Delete the Download in Product Manager and re-download the Update. Then run it again and check what version number is reported for the library.


    The version I see reported in the Product Manager is 1.5.0

    It’s a 32 MB download that was created on 9-11-2017.

    It won’t install.


    dj syah

    same here on Win7 🙁

    There is clearly something wrong with the update installer (1.5.0). The update won’t start. I downloaded it 5 times, the updater process starts (I can see the process in the taskmanager), but the update dialog does not show up. Even when running it as admin, no dialogwindow.

    Why has the update installer still not been updated, when it is confirmed (by TT) that something is wrong with that zip file???


    I had this problem with a few libraries when i upgraded.

    I had to delete my library and then reinstall. After a fresh LIB install and update it showed as fine in TTM

    Download the full installers in Toontrack Manager and save them. They are WAYYY easier than putting disk after disk in to reinstall later. Thanks TT!!

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