Superior Drummer 3 : will we still need x-drum to replace kit pieces?

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • Henrik

    Yes – all positions can be replaced with any instrument – from any SDX or EZX expansion 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    jorgo stefani

    Hi Henrik.
    If i replace a Cymbal with a Ride the Ride-Grafic is not the Original.
    Its showing a grafic from a Roland-E-Cymbal (Black-Cymbal).
    Is this a bug or its a visual for “not the correct place for a ride”? – this would be in conflict with ur state above:
    “all positions can be replaced with any instrument”…


    @joste said:
    If i replace a Cymbal with a Ride the Ride-Grafic is not the Original.
    Its showing a grafic from a Roland-E-Cymbal (Black-Cymbal).
    Is this a bug or its a visual for “not the correct place for a ride”? – this would be in conflict with ur state above:
    “all positions can be replaced with any instrument”…

    It’s correct that a generic e-drum is shown when an instrument that doesn’t originate from the selected position is loaded – a kick on a cymbal position, for example. Strange visual things would happen if a kick was shown at the cymbal position, so we chose to show a generic instrument, as if it triggered another instrument.

    It doesn’t go against the fact that all positions can be replaced with any instrument – this is only how they are visually represented Smile

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    jorgo stefani

    but a ride on a cymbal position is not so “far away” like a bassdrum on top of a cymbal-stand :))
    so as an idea: choice to change the generic icon back to the original one…


    Your idea is noted 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    jorgo stefani

    … and …. nothing

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