In Ezdrummer2, if i build a custom beat & want to ediit it further, can i drag it into my DAW to edit & then drag it back into Ezdrummer to continue working on it..?
Many thanks
In some DAWs it is possible. Some it’s not.
Scott Sibley - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
Thanks Scott, i have Studio One 3 Pro- will it work with that..? Dont have my laptop with me to check. I have tried it previously but didn’t work….unless i missed something..?
I don’t use Studio One so I don’t know. I use Cubase 8 and I can.
If you can’t drag and drop MIDI from your host, there’s a trick to get MIDI from the host into EZdrummer 2.
Remove all MIDI from the song track in EZdrummer 2, then press the record button (below the track) in EZdrummer 2
As soon as you start playback in your host (with MIDI on the EZdrummer 2 track), EZdrummer 2 will record the notes being played from the hosts MIDI.
Now you have the MIDI inside EZdrummer 2. Edit it and then drag it back to your host.
Scott Sibley - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
You can also drag and drop MIDI files from your hard drive, or desktop, straight into the song track of EZdrummer 2. So if you export the MIDI from the DAW (Studio One) to your desktop, you can drag that MIDI file to the song track 🙂
But most of the times – Scott’s example is the smoothest (if the DAW doesn’t support drag and drop) 🙂
Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer
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