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EZdrummer feature after upgrading to Superior

Requests and Feedback
  • Jörg Künnemeyer

    I want to purchase EZdrummer mostly for its Edit Play Style featrure. As I understood, this is not part of Superior.
    What if I buy EZdrummer2 and upgrade to Superior Drummer? Can I still use EZDrummer then?
    Thanks in advance

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  • Scott Eshleman

    @boulder_02 said:
    Can I still use EZDrummer then?

    Yes. EZDrummer2 and SuperiorDrummer2 can co-exit on the same system.
    I’ll bet many users use EZD2 to ‘program’ their drum parts and then either drag the MIDI into their DAW/Host on a SD2 instrument track,
    or use the ‘MIDI Out’ from EZD2 to control SD2, taking advantage of the full production capabilities of SD2 and its raw samples.


    Yes. They are separate products and plugins.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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