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Can´t get my EZdrummer 2 working

Requests and Feedback
  • Trond Lien

    I have rebuild my mac pro with new SSD hard-drive and so on. I´ve installed EZdrummer and now it works fine. When I look at my toontracks-account I find that I have bought EZdrummer 2 upgrade but I can´t get it in to logic Pro X. It asks for the original files for EZdrummer 2. Have I just bought an upgrade and not the whole EZdrummer 2?

    The best T

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  • Scott Eshleman

    The upgrade IS the whole, full version of EZDrummer2.
    When installed, it replaces & completely overwrites your EZDrummer1 installation.
    In fact, in your situation, if you’re re-installing everything from scratch, you DO NOT have to re-install EZDrummer1 at all.
    Your EZDrummer2 upgrade installation does not require that EZDrummer1 be installed first.

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