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EZ Drummer 2 questions

EZdrummer Pre-sales
  • Michael Agostinelli

    I’ve been looking into purchasing EZ Drummer 2 and am really close to making my decision. I do have some questions that someone around here might be able to answer. And before anyone says anything, I have Googled all kinds of things and watched way too many YouTube videos getting as much info as possible. Still have some questions though:

    1. If I purchase just the base program, how large of a midi library does it come with? I know its got two drum kits, but I’m more interested in what the beat library is like.

    2. If I wanted to add to my sound library, would it make more sense to go for the EZX expansions or just straight up midi packs? I’m less concerned with different drum sets and more interested in actual beats.

    Thanks for the help.

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