Hi all, I’m quite new to this. I got my PC working last night with EZ drummer and it sounds fantastic. The drums do feel a little unnatural however, I assume this is because I am having very small amount of latency. It’s almost too small to notice, the drums just feel weird.
My laptop is a MacBook pro 2.66GHz intel core 2 duo, 4 gig 1067 DDR ram with OSX 10.0 (rather an old laptop Circa 2009). I literally just installed EZ drummer2 and am running it standalone currently. I’d like to use it for recording into reaper at some point.
I am connecting my TD9 to my laptop using a midi-USB adaptor, something along the lines of this: – http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/usb-to-midi-adapter-cable-a03fk
Is this the source of my problems?
Everyone talks about using a USB-interface device. Before I buy one I’d like to check that this is what I need, what exactly does this interface do? Will I definitely be able to get good results with it? Any recommendations of a good one to purchase would be great. I’ve got some money to spend if I need to, I’d rather pay more to get a really good device, if I can achieve better latency with this it’s cheaper than buying a TD30!
Cheers all!
Latency occurs in the computer/sound engine department and you need to turn your buffer down to 64 it is probably on 128, 256 or worse 512.
In Solo > Options > Audio > Latency settings ,
64 is the lowest it will go, your cable doesn’t affect the latency nor does a TD30 if the buffer isn’t set to a decent setting for playing.
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