I’m considering the purchase of EZDrummer 2 as it could be the solution of my recording dilemma.
I do have other drum software (mainly AD with various addpacks), BUT I’m a real dummy when it comes to programming drum tracks. I’m a guitar player, can do the bass as well and have some basic keyboard skills, but drums – oh man…:-(
So, naturally I’m particulary intruiged with EZ2’s Tap2Find and Song Creator functions.
I’m currently working with the demo version so I can find out if EZ2 WILL do what I think it CAN do…
Here’s my problem: When I tap a rhythm with the Tap2find function, the suggestions I get on the search tap are only percussion instruments: claves, claps, tambourines etc. No drumsounds. I also only see the Percussion 2 library. I don’t seem to have access to any other library. If that’s a restriction of the demo version, please let me know. Then I will know I’m doing fine otherwise. If I, however, should be able to access midi-files from other libraries as well, please let me know what I’m doing wrong. Hey, I want so much for EZDrummer 2 to work for me!!
Also, another question: As mentioned above, I have Addictive Drums (1.5) also as well as a number of their supplementary packs.
Will I be able to use the midi-files that come with AD and the add-packs WITHIN EZDrummer 2 (not their drumsets, just the included midi-files!) ??
Thanks for caring!