Mitch Mitchell kit

Studio Corner
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  • Jay Coover

    The answer is both fairly simple and not very easy if you’re new to this.

    Get Mitch’s reference sound in your head, or have it up on a media player.

    At the same time, open up S2 and start auditioning snares, kicks, hihats etc, until you find the closest ones.

    Mix and tweak it until it’s where you want it.

    Sorry, but there’s no real shortcut, if that’s what you’re looking for. No Mitch Mitchell preset.

    I did a search and saw some pictures of him playing what looks to be a Ludwig Sparkle kit. There’s one in Metal Foundry, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to get something close with Avatar.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    You need a soft sounding bass drum. Higher tuned ringy toms. Very few mics on the kit.
    It’s sort of a bridge between traditional a jazz drum sound and the beginnings of hard rock.
    The problem is, very few of those concepts are relevant today. So most drum packs are addressing contemporary needs. Full and fat toms, big and in your face bass drums.

    Jay Coover

    Yeah, I just loaded up Avatar. There is nothing in your ballpark. It simply is a modern kit recorded in a modern fashion.

    You’d be better off with SDX Custom & Vintage, or maybe EZX Vintage Rock, though I have little experience with the latter.

    I loaded up SDX Custom & Vintage, picked the Noble & Cooley kit (for the toms & cymbals), switched out the snare with the Tamburo Stave Shell Piccolo, rolled back the bottom snare mic, picked the Slingerland kick and was immediately a lot closer than you can get with Avatar.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    Possibly the closest in ethos would be EZX: The Classic or EZX: Jazz.

    It’s been a while since I loaded the jazz package up.
    The Classic has ringier toms on the Craviotto kit, plus a four mic set-up.

    The drums ‘fizbin’ loaded from C&V were definitely the right way to go too.

    Jay Coover

    A couple things you can do on any kit to try for an older vibe is to put a filter on the output bus and roll off a little high end. Also, on that output bus try moving both panners to center for mono drums.

    Sounds like you’re degrading the fidelity a bit when you do it, but that’s the trick. YMMV.

    For fun, I’ve tried to turn an Avatar kit into the Mitch Mitchell kit. Kind of like substituting a banana for a lemon in a recipe, when you should have used a lime, but here goes.

    It’s a start, have at it.

    I’m not 100% positive if he’s hitting a snare or a tom on the backbeat. Sounds more like a snare with the snares turned off.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings

    Rene Wilhelmy

    Thank you very much fizbin & Whitten. I tried your avatar preset fizbin and it confirm that I have to forget about avatar, you did very much in the same way that I tried so far, tuning the toms, fx, etc, and also around your tips around eq/filter.
    For he kit that I want, I rather target his later one having 2 floor toms though.
    So I agree, avatar is contemporary, well around the toms at least, it is too much far away. C&V is on my list, so I give a try to the EZX jazz, and well it is a very good advice, I really like the result so far. Another thing which help to get closer is that I finally hit the demo button of the Studer A800 (UAD), something that I resisted since long time, and well, I’m very surprise and please about that plug to get that type of vintage sound.
    I will maybe post a short demo to get feedback…

    Asus P5BDel, Win7 x64, Cubase 9.5, Harrison Mixbus 32C, Sound Devices MixPre 6, UAD-2 Solo, DFH, DFHS, S2, EZX Jazz, EZX Vintage rock & EZX Nashville

    Rene Wilhelmy

    My first few bars test with the song «May this be love» (Anthology version) using my kit under construction based on ezx jazz.
    I used few slide & fx Hendrix bars from the original track mixed with mine, to help to figure the whole.
    The things are at early stage around my learning of the guitar & bass parts, so mainly focus on the drums result!
    So, 1 Toontrack drum track + 1 bass track using a fender jazz mex, and 2 strat guitar tracks.



    Asus P5BDel, Win7 x64, Cubase 9.5, Harrison Mixbus 32C, Sound Devices MixPre 6, UAD-2 Solo, DFH, DFHS, S2, EZX Jazz, EZX Vintage rock & EZX Nashville


    I don’t know how close that is to the original, but I like it.

    Rene Wilhelmy

    Well good. I have to find a substitute for the UAD Studer until the funds available. I’m looking for some free tape sim now…

    Asus P5BDel, Win7 x64, Cubase 9.5, Harrison Mixbus 32C, Sound Devices MixPre 6, UAD-2 Solo, DFH, DFHS, S2, EZX Jazz, EZX Vintage rock & EZX Nashville

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