LOTE III Fill Insanity

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  • Butter Buns

    it has a lot of double bass fills. the double bass is similar to lote II carpet rolls in that the bass keeps going while other kits pieces are being hit. the midi pack is beast though. there are PLENTY of fills for any speedy metal style.

    James Vining

    Cool Thanks, I am looking for some drum stuff like Impending Dooms album “Thre Will Be Violence” In case you happen to know who they are? I think I may just have to get this kit just due to the fact You mentioned and I seen it listed as having a Insane amount of files, I do not think i could ever have to Many unless I was getting alot of dupicates.
    This is a little off Direct Question but has anyone ever takes a MIDI and Pulled specific Pieces out and saved them as new MIDI Files for future use?
    I was thinking I could take the Kick out of a few files save it as a New File then I could actually modify it to a specific feel I want and Resave and then I would have exactly what I am looking for.
    I am still a bit new to this but I thought I read where this is posible and actually did not sound that complicated.


    Butter Buns

    yea you can separate the kit pieces in ezplayer pro and then save them to your my midi file. tis what i do when i write my drum tracks. you could also import the midi into your daw and chop it up there and save it to the my midi file in the ezdrummer directory.

    Butter Buns


    i posted a mixdown of the double bass fills on my soundcloud. enjoy!

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