D20 – I am Snake Plissken

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  • VOLiTiAN

    Hey dude!!!

    Cool track, definitely loving the sound and vibe!

    Can I be a complete dick and suggest something creative for the track?

    Please no offence just felt randomly compelled to suggest something as a fellow writer just to see what ya thought really

    Basically I was thinking in the sections where the guitars and drums are on there own (verse??) with that rather gnarly “gakka gakka” section the bass only comes back in when that motif has finished and the chords come in and then 2nd time round the bass mimics the guitar pauses and all…

    I was wondering if you’d thought/tried having the bass out of the mix for the first 2x round of the guitar riff within a section then having the bass mimic the guitar part the second 2x time of the riff, *then* when the section comes round for it’s variation (i’m assuming it’s a kinda 2+2 block verse structure?) bringing in the bass with a more continual (albeit variation) riff to push through the section for the next change, might sound kinda nice and dark having the drums and bass out on their own for those pauses in the guitar?

    So basically for the 8 or sixteen times of that riff, have 25% still as it was with the riff playing along with the drums and without the bass the next 25% has the bass come in and copy the guitar and the last remaining 50% the bass playig something like an 8th note or 16th note groove to play under the guitar riffs….

    I dunno man, just randomly brainstorming hehehe


    David @ VOLiTiAN

    www.myspace.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundclick.com/VOLiTiAN www.reverbnation.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundcloud.com/VOLiTiAN


    I think i get what you are saying. I can see that working too. We just have all these songs that the bass and the guitars lock a lot of the time and i thought i would be cool to just let the song breathe a bit and cut out the bass on the first time around of the verses.

    I may try out a few things still and see if there is any other variation that i could throw into it though.

    Thanks again for the input!!!

    S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine

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