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“Recollection” – new version using Superior Avatar

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  • Scott

    Overall I like the sound of the tune.

    I don’t think the drums are too quite for me, personally. They may be a bit too roomy which pushes them back in the mix too far though…at least the kick and snare. I would open the Bleed edit window for the OH and any AMB channels and bring down the kick and snare a bit. This would bring lessen the roomy sound and make them more punchy.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    thanks for checking this one out.

    and timely comments…..

    ‘too roomy’.

    the ambient mics, are very powerful.
    so i’ve gone in, and done what you suggested, i’ve cut out the bleed on the kick and snare….
    at least enough, to make an audible difference.

    i’ll tell you, the power of the combination of mics, bleed, and individual fx on the varying channels of the kit, is almost overwhelming.
    but i dig it.
    the control of the envelope for each drum kit…… yes.
    i found a kick sound i loved, but it rang out too much…
    i thought it was the room mics, but even turned off, it was too much.
    then i discovered that envelope control, i brought the length of decay of the drum hit down (shorter) and voila.

    at this point, i’ve got about 6 variations on the one ‘master’ kit i’m trying to build, with all kinds of experiments on varying amounts of eq, compression, gating,

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