2.1 Update and E Drums

E-drum Workshop
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  • Rogue

    no. there is little sense in that. For 2 reasons, GM extended (the default mapping of all our libraries) is build on GM+Roland real world extensions through Vdrums. Any (at least most) triggers not included are generic and therefore variable from user to user.

    What makes an off-the-shelf TD-20 particular is the V-hats it comes with. For this we have included a pedal correction preset named ‘more closed’ as a start up point. The exact value the ‘Hatsctrl’ Hard limit will need to be set will vary from user to user however, based on the controller response in MIDI and to a non negligible extend the drummer’s play style.

    So, in essence the ‘E-drums’ and ‘pedal correction’ presets are more meaningful than a kit specific preset. I’m sure some comfort can be had from selecting a preset with the same name as your gear but that’s a false sense of quality, no kit, no controller, and as importantly no drummer is the same than the next guy (and his gear).

    That’s in essence the direction we have taken with Superior 2.1 – a non e-drum centric update yet a powerful tool in that context.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

    David Zeltner

    Thanks Rogue, so as a starting point for configuring you E Drum Kit would this be the correct steps to begin? ( I have a TD-12)

    1. Reinitialize TD-12 to be at Factory Spec
    2. Choose “E Drums Preset and “Pedal Correction” in Superior 2.1
    3. Adjust Hatsctrl Hard Limit to playing style

    I’m assuming that if I do the steps above and play the V Kit/TD12 all midi note numbers would trigger correct, positional sensing on snare would work and Hi hat would work correctly…yes? no?

    any other parameters that need to be tweaked/experimented that you could suggest?

    The reason I also ask the step by step help is when I used “Toontrack Solo” and chose the E-Drums preset I had a real good experience right away without any other tweaking.

    Thanks again for your help and your great support!!


    I’m assuming that if I do the steps above and play the V Kit/TD12 all midi note numbers would trigger correct, positional sensing on snare would work and Hi hat would work correctly…yes?

    yes. From the top of my head only the tom rims will need ‘learning’. And of course your ‘AUX’ triggers but only you can know what you have hooked up in there.

    The ‘More Closed’ pedal preset does to a great extend what the ‘CC offset’ does in solo. Technically CC offset is probably a compromise between ‘More Closed and Sharp curve 2’ so I’d try both and see which one works best for you before you start messing around with the HatsCtrl Vel Ctrl values.

    If you were happy with solo’s magic trick then I guess there won’t be any need for step 3…

    EDIT: good catch grandaddy!

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

    Damian Blunt

    Rogue – don’t you mean the ‘more close’ preset mimics CC offset – or am I getting confused?

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance


    yes, of course, that’s why I should never post at 11pm after my evening wine 😉

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Hi. I’ve been playing edrums for two months now and little by little I’m getting better in knowing how this stuff work. I installed the update, and let me tell you that the edrum improvements are really helpful, specially the pedal correction. I chose the “Sharp Curve 2” and the HH started to sound realistic.

    I read the manual but still have a couple of questions… I have a Hart Pro 6.4 Kit with a Roland TD-20 Module:
    1) If I want to fine tweak the HH and the Snare, do I have to choose in the instrument window only the articulations that have the “trig” word on it, and forget about the other ones?

    2) When I’m playing fast single strokes (RLRL with the first R accented) I have problems with the accented notes, because they get too loud in relation with the other ones. Is there a way to fix that? I tweaked the TD-20, and what I did was reduce the Velocity Ctrl Limit to 118, and that sounded better, but still…

    3) In the Voices & Layers window, how much does the Layers Limit part affect the sounds using edrums? I changed the values but didn’t notice a difference. They are all in 6 right now. Maybe someone can explain me better how this part works.

    4) When I play really fast the crash cymbals, you know… to make that wusshhhh sound for a entrance or big fiinale, even if I hit the cymbal once, it retrigger the samples, and hear two sound really closed together…. like “t-trshhh”. It doesn’t happen with the samples of the TD-20, so it’s not the cymbal. I changed the advanced settings of the trigger in the TD-20 (Scan Time, Retrigger Cancel and Mask Time), but didn’t fix it. Any ideas?


    Damian Blunt

    1)  No, not necessarily – if you want to fine tweak volume levels/velocity response etc you would still choose the specific articulation you wanted to change and select ‘edit articulation only’. 
    2) Did you tweak the response curves in your TD-20 or just sensitivity settings?  The response curves should help you get closer to the response you desire.  Other than that reducing the Vel ctrl limit in S2 will stop the highest velocity hits being played which as you’ve found may be better for you.  You could also try playing with the soft and hard vel ctrls.  Bringing the hard velocity down will mean that you will have to hit the pad less hard for the higher velocity samples to sound.  Bringing up the soft vel limit will mean that the lower vel samples are triggered over a wider range and you will have to hit the pad harder to move into the gradient samples.
    3)  Each velocity layer has a number of samples recorded which are cycled through to avoid the ‘machine gun effect’.  If you want to access all the available samples you need to set each value to ‘-‘ this would give most variation at the expense of slightly more RAM used.  If you want to limit resources used then reduce the number .  Bear in mind though if they are set to low you ar more likely to hear machine gunning.  By selecting ‘0’ you can actually turn an articulation off – this can be used if there are unnecessary samples loaded ie. for edrummers the flams and roll articulations aren’t much use.
    4)  It is quite difficult to achieve cymbal crescendos as you describe.  A suggestion might be to load an x-drum of the same cymbal and use the envelope feature to slow the attack.  You could then have the x-drum assigned to the bow of your cymbal and the regular articulation to the edge.  I appreciate this would mean a change in playing technique but at the moment this is the only workaround I can think of.

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance

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