– AAX version now ignores the Mono All setting (not relevant to ProTools)
– AAX version on Windows should no longer crash if a new instance is created after you have loaded 2GB of sounds already
– fix for faulty sends occuring after copying from a mono to stereo channel or after a send has been removed then reinstated
– fix for issues when bouncing mute tails and swirls
– progress bar during bounce should no longer disappears when the plug-in window is closed and reopened
– Help Menu link ‘Content Providers’ changed to ‘Expand Superior Drummer’ and points to Superior Line Products page
– busses can now have the same name as existing mic channels (names must still be unique within the same class)
– during bounce each phase is described by the bounced files name rather than the corresponding mic name
– special handling of right channel output names for Sonar X series and Ableton Live
– the X-drum mic assignment window can now be scrolled if required
– improved X-mics assignment from and to the special ‘Kit’ mics found in The Classic EZX
– additional auto-allocation of X-mics rules to minimize manual assignments
– change in the built-in configs for Pop/Rock in line with newly released EZX
– updated Yamaha E-drum preset in line with EZdrummer 2
– support for EZdrummer