– the fade-in occurring on changing from one preset to another is now shorter and better at eliminating click/pop sounds
– selecting a preset with the Exciter effect sometimes could cause an audible click.
– the CPU usage for the Octaver should no longer be abnormally high when the input goes silent
– loading a project with several EZmix instances using certain amplifier presets could cause some of them to only output silence
– clip LEDs should no longer stay lit after changing presets when the previous one was too loud.
– in the standalone on Windows, the ASIO settings modified with control panel were not always applied when OK or Apply was clicked
– the standalone is now better at handling scenarios where the assigned Audio Input or Output are temporarily unavailable
– the drop-down menus in the Audio Setup dialog are now wider so that text in them are not truncated as often
– using the online authorization method, if the connection failed it would sometimes state “Connecting… Please wait” instead of an error message