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Dirk Verbeuren delivers a broad collection of drum MIDI for all your traditional and modern metal needs.
Sale USD23
In this pack, Dirk Verbeuren delivers a comprehensive collection of straightforward, modern metal drumming – all the way from ultra-slow doom-like grooves and crushing midtempo beats to galloping double-bass work. Essentially, everything you might need in between the blast beats, the carpet rolls or the skank beats that Dirk provided in his massive Library of the Extreme suite of MIDI packs.
If you’re looking for world-class, sharp and inventive grooves and fills straight from one of the world’s most dynamic and versatile metal drummers, this collection has tons of it.
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Our very own Rikk Currence gives you three reasons why your songs will thank you for using Toontrack drum MIDI.
Note: Drum MIDI packs do not contain sounds, only MIDI files. Any audio or video demos on this page portray examples of the MIDI played back by EZdrummer or Superior Drummer with various EZX/SDX expansions.
This product is optimized for use with EZdrummer and Superior Drummer.
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